This blog is for everything soccer in Tasmania, feel free to post whatever comes to mind! It must be stated that this is not an official FFT site.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Vic Tuting Medal

The Vic Tuting Medal count was held on Friday night, and the event was again well run and enjoyed by all those that attended. The players that were in the running for the medal in the final rounds fully deserved to be there, and mostly consisted of those who had represented the Southern team that comfortably defeated the North.

An interesting point that came out of the night was that not only were the two joint winners under the age of 21, but six out of the nine leaders were also around that age! This says that the young talent that is being produced in Tasmania is really starting to step up. This is most noticeable in that the average age of some of the Premier League squads is below that 25 age bracket.

However, this may not all be as positive as we think! It could also mean that alot of clubs are lacking guidance from older club players and figures. The overall lack of depth could hinder these bright young stars from furthering their game to their full potential. A mix of ages and abilities is often a proven formula for success, just take the Glenorchy Knights, Hobart Zebras, Hobart United and Taroona who have all won titles in recent years.

Another interesting note to be taken from the night was that for the first time in a long while someone from a non-Premier League club won the overall Best & Fairest Medal for the Southern U19 competition. This was a magnificent effort by the young lad who out polled his fellow competitors by something around the 8 vote margin! This again however leads to a potentially negative backlash for Football Tasmania as the rumours spread that they have already decided that no non-Premier League based clus shall be allowed to enter a Junior team in the U19 competition from 2007. This seriously has to be questioned when obvious talent is being denied a chance, and they are outwardly declaring their intent to garner the youth?!


Anonymous said...

I looked at the Football Tasmania site to find out who the winners of the Medals were as I wondered if the person who won the u/19 came from a Premier League club. I assumed he was not as if he was he would be playing Premier League. It is a pity that as an occasional follower of the game it is so difficult to find out who our better players are. I would hope that the governing body would acknowledge them on the website.

Anonymous said...

yeh fair enuf, but if players r any good they shouldnt b playing in tasmania

Anonymous said...

do you think that a 15/16 year old would get a game for the knights?? even if he was a superstar

Anonymous said...

no because they are not any players that age good enuf to play for the knights

Anonymous said...

Is anybody interested in the George Dale medal winner????
Oh yeh I forgot that is only the Northern winner.
Interesting that the South win was comfortable, the second game was actually a draw.

Admin said...

I dont think the issue is to do with the age of the person who won or whether they could play Premier League, its more to do with the face that they may not be able to play in a competitive competition from next season, therefore, having to move clubs.

Would love to know the results of the George Dale medal??

Anonymous said...

I rest mt case, why is it that nobody knows the outcomes frrom the Northern Dinner???

Anonymous said...

As I said the more we can find out about what is going on all over the island the better. I am sure that there are social teams running about in rural areas that need promotion too. We have a great game and the more it is promoted the better. The official web site should promote our successes

Admin said...

Ah yes the George Dale Medal winner results are on the Football Tas website, if you scroll down to the middle section there is a link with all of the results from both dinners.

Anonymous said...

Oops!!! sorry found it.

Anonymous said...

sanita should have won medal outright. tom roach has 2 medals too many in my book.