This blog is for everything soccer in Tasmania, feel free to post whatever comes to mind! It must be stated that this is not an official FFT site.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Recent Meeting

Brian has informed me that there was a meeting of all the Southern Presidents last week, does anybody know of any developments that resulted from the meeting?

I have heard it can be difficult for some Presidents to push their ideas ...


Anonymous said...

hwMaybe you could ask Mr Martin Shaw to give you a summary of the minutes from the meeting , that way he edit out anything confidential(hopefully it won't be a blank document) yet still keep the genuine football public informed especially after he has told you to remove the FFT logo, at least he has acknowledged he reads the blog .


Anonymous said...

Yeah, thought you were living on borrowed time in terms of the logo.

I believe the backbone of the President's meeting was the Chairman pushing his new State League agenda. You know the one...3 clubs in the South, two in the North & one poor bloody team from the North-West. And I mean poor because the buggers are going to know every inch of the midlands highway should the state league go ahead.

Anonymous said...

the proposed state league should not go ahead because its a stupid idea what is the use of playing a 6 team roster and for what if the prize money covered travel for teams it would still not be a sufficient amount for teams to take it seriously.

bring back the finals series and you will have a more exciting league then teams who finish below 1st will have a chance to win something other than giving up half way through the year due to being to far behind the leaders

Anonymous said...

I've heard some reports that the recent presidents meeting was a farce. The soccertas president 'hijacked' the meeting to push his own agenda for the state league.

FFT have also given a number of div1 clubs the option to come up with a draw that will allow these clubs to enter teams in the Premier u19 competition. This is just stupid. Last year's u19 competition was ridiculous. The u19 MUST play in front of the Premier & Prem. Res. matches. Anything else just defeats one of the primary reasons for an u19 comp.

Div.1 should develop a strong development comp be it in u18-19 which will then set them up for a serious and sustained entry into premier league should the opportunity arise. A div.1 reserve league is not really a priority.

Anonymous said...

So giving a couple of 16 year old kids the opportunity to sit on the bench for his club's reserves and/or seniors doesn't serve any purpose huh??
Allowing the coach an opportinity to expand the the kids perceptions and understanding of the game (as it is played) by discussing his thoughts of what is happening on the park and asking the kid for his input, doesn't serve any purpose huh?
It's all about convenience huh?

And if it's the difference between having voluteers having to double up for two or even three teams, is that not better than having no trainer or manager cover?

Each team should be a self contained unit?? And in an ideal world it probably is Brian...but it's not an ideal world that we live in. So welcome to reality.

Brian said...
(in 'Welcome' - this blog),
"We should be building a strong Div.1 comp with 'feeder' teams playing in the same way (U18-19 then reserves, then seniors) as the Premier clubs. That way when a Div.1 squad earns promotion it has a full structure in place...

Non league clubs who wish to participate in the under 19 competition have to have a strategy that enables them to take part in the long term and not come and go as they please. Furthermore there is little point in taking part singly they need to have at least 3 to 4 clubs seeking to enter the competition

Taroona are faced with the same dilemma as they didn’t have an u/19 side last year and have to find one this year after their promotion to the Premier league.

In view of the these inconsistencies is it little surprise that the FFT are not sympathetic to the anguished cries of the Div 1 Clubs."

Brian said...
(in same blog topic)
In response to Anon 10.34 am .

If the Premier , P/Reserves and U/19 league consist of the same teams its easier to run. All play away or home on the same day .

Throw in a couple of strangers and the Premier and reserves are away at one venue and you may find the u/19 at Sandown or somewhwere else. This drives Premier Clubs up the proverbial , hence the change for next year.

Who said Div1 should have under 17 or 18 . That's a good idea . That means Premier playing in Div 1 would also have to have u/17 or 18.

They would say that's not such a good idea .

Sorry Brian your comments somewhat annoy me especially as you seem to be correcting yourself from two ealier posts.

Admin said...

I was under the impression that the FFT had instructed Division 1 clubs that they were no longer able to enter a team in the current U19 format and that it was going to be exclusive to Premier League only. They were told to create an U17 team in preperation, am i mistaken?

I heard a leak that Division 1 clubs were informed that the FFT would consider setting up a corresponding U19 league for their clubs only, surely this is unacceptable?

Mr Shaw would it be possible for you to please clarify some of the points raised by the current posters?

Anonymous said...

Brian , i do believe "old fellow" that you are a bit harsh with your comments that the Premier League clubs are only in it for themselves not for the good of the game .

You have thrown a lot of eggs into the basket , hell of a lot of volunteers running clubs who will take offence to this remark , myself included.

Admit it last years 19's was a disaster , the clubs thankfully have had the teeth to say so to FFT , and FFT have agreed.

By all means lets find an option for Div 1 teams but not at the expense of Premier League clubs.

Anonymous said...

Anecdotal evidence? Do you mean from the Chairman himself??

The interjections were necessary (by my anecdotal evidence) because the presidents couldn't make themselves heard. The Chairman has an agenda and nothing is going to stand in his way, certainly not the club presidents.

There are more issues in Tas. football than just the introduction of a half baked state league.

Anonymous said...


As you maybe aware Blackjack has banned me from his site ( Left Back ) , believes i am, as per a number of Olympic supporters who have suffered the same fate , just looking to stir up trouble !!

Sure i have my say ( only i don't hold back, in my thoughts ).

I am a strong supporter of both blogs ( will still write to blackjack - he will forgive and post one day )as a supporter of Tassie Football , a club administrator ex player - non accredited coach - will be coaching the 13's though nobody else will do it!!

I notice you have been on leave from the 22nd November - as with most other writer's !!

Would like to post the following topic's !

1. Should FFT move from KGV ? If yes where 2?

2. Has FFT made the right moves with the funding received from the Tas Gov ( SJ who writes for Blackjack - either has a direct line to FFT or is god himself ;
Copy of article listed below

See what the clubs have been told:

As you would be aware, prior to this year’s state election, the government made a commitment to provide Football Federation Tasmania with increased funding over the next four years. This amounted to $800,000 over the four year period, with $100,000 per year committed to establishing a Tasmanian Institute of Sport program, and $100,000 per year to be used for development.

Since that announcement was made there has been on-going discussions between FFT and the government, through Sport and Recreation Tasmania, to establish the framework under which the grants would be used and reviewed. After lengthy discussion about the best uses of the funding we have reached an agreement and I am now able to give you further information on both areas of funding, so that you are aware of the progress and uses of the funding, and how it will benefit our sport.

Approval for the funding for the TIS programs, for both men and women, has been given by both the government and Football Federation Australia. Both parties will provide $50,000 per program per year, resulting in $200,000 per year being provided for the programs. The TIS has recently advertised for the coaching positions for these programs, and they expect to be able to make an announcement shortly regarding the coaches and starting dates for the programs.

With regard to the $100,000 per year development funding, it is important to note several facts. Firstly, as we have only just agreed on the uses of the funding, as yet FFT has not received any of the money. Therefore, it has been impossible for us to implement any programs under this funding in the 2006 season, though we look forward to receiving these funds for the first year of the funding cycle in early 2007.

Secondly, after consideration by the FFT Board and discussions with Sport and Recreation Tasmania, it was decided that this funding would be used to fund programs at a junior (primarily 12 years and under), grass roots level. The Board believed that this was the most responsible use of the money as it would have a more beneficial impact on the long term future of football to improve the game at this level.

Accordingly, the Board and Sport and Recreation Tasmania has agreed to fund the following programs from the Government development funding:

• Employment of part time Development Officers - within the three regions of Tasmania to assist in the delivery of grass-roots programs. We expect to have these positions advertised shortly and appointed by early 2007 in order to assist junior associations and junior clubs with coaching and development programs.
• Junior Association Grants – These would be provided to junior associations on a dollar for dollar basis, They would be used for purposes such as to run programs that encourage participation in areas within their region that are not currently playing football, capital purchases for equipment, education courses for association personnel or other purposes that will benefit the association. In return, in order to be eligible for these grants associations will have to meet certain requirements to ensure that they support FFT and FFA programs and have a good governance structure. Further information about the grant programs will be provided to Junior Associations shortly.
• Statewide Coach and Referee Seminars – Pre- and post-season seminars for coaches and referees that provide education opportunities to improve the standards across the state. These are seminars that provide educational opportunities on topics outside of the standard accreditation process.
• Subsidised Coaching Courses for Junior Associations – Each junior association would be provided with a “credit” to be used towards payment for attendance at coaching courses by coaches within their region. They would also be able to apply to use the credit towards other forms of coach education (eg an SAQ Course).
• Club Administration Courses - To cover administration courses for club officials to be run around the state, which will improve the running of clubs within Tasmania.

We trust that you will see that the proposed uses are for the benefit of the development of football in Tasmania, and will make a significant contribution to the growth of our sport. Should you have any questions regarding the information provided above please do not hesitate to contact FFT.

Comment by sj — December 15, 2006 @ 6:09 pm

Anonymous said...

Leftback...if you're going to write to another blog on what takes place on the Blackjack blog, make sure you are 100% correct in what you write.

You are the ONLY person who has been banned from Blackjack's Blog and purely because you are trying to get a rise out of people rather than advancing football here in Tassie through positive discussion or debate. (Good on you though for taking up the coaching role for 2007 - remember to keep it positive, they are only kids!!)

NO other contributor has been banned and certainly no club (Olympic or otherwise) has be specialed out as you wrongly infer. I did write to a number of contributors (including you) in the early days of my blog and suggested they refrain from personal abuse or try to keep things on a positive note. This is normal practice on a new need to set the 'tone' and develop avenues of 'appropriate' communication, i.e what is allowed and what won't be tolerated. A number of people made the necessary adjustments to their posts, while one or two have 'chosen' not to post at all (and all power to them for arriving at such a sensible decision). They certainly have not be banned. Your abusive and inflammatory posts will not be tolerated, hence your exclusion from Blackjack's Blog.

BTW...SJ does not write FOR the Blackjack Blog, he/she is a contributor just the same as anyone else. I'm pretty sure he's not God though.

Anonymous said...

Gee blackjack what is this you frightened i might upset you and your FFT buddies .

Have no fear i will not bother you again , freedom of speech as per blackjack rules is not for me , you keep up the good work, bye the way are you employed by fft ?

PS as i said in my last post which again i see you have refused to post , keep the topics to those involving Australian Football , who cares how many non English players in EPL , it has improved out of sight since they imported proper managers technical people not kick and run men like most British coaches.

If you want further proof watch Sydney FC under that great English coach Butch-er and then think back to Littbarski and the football that was played.

Sure Sydney get results but forget flair and excitement - defend - numbers behind ball pinch a goal and then boot it long !!!

Left back

Anonymous said...

I would like to ask to the people that stated last year U19 comp was a disaster.
Why was a disaster ?
and if this people did see games ?
Hobart Zebras won it,
Hobart Olympic 2nd,Tas stateU15 third
Beachside 4th all the above teams played very good soccer.

Anonymous said...

Last year I was coaching the state U15 that played in the u19 comp not only my squad but the others team also had vey good players which played really good football.
this competition should be open to all other clubs that wish to enter a team if are competitive.
Some particulare club are against it because are fill threat. I belive for the benefit of the game and the development of the young player this is a good comp for the age 14 to 17.I only wanted to say to this people stop discriminating against the new clubs that want to enter competitions and stop been one sided give a fair go to others

Anonymous said...

Franco, that statement is total garbage and really cheeses me off!! If you want a comp for your state team then you get your employers (FFT) to form a stand alone U/19 league and dissolve the current structure where Premier League teams are required to have three teams (Premier, Reserves & U/19).

For your information the U/19 league isn't set up to create a competition for the state team, it's to permit the premier clubs to develop their up and coming players. The inclusion of the state team into the comp was the brain storm of your's NOT Premier Legue clubs discriminating against the state team.

You disappoint me Franco.

Anonymous said...

well dear anonymous I am sorry to cheeses you off also to disappoint you,but I am more disappointed that u have not sign your Name.You maybe upset because the stand was to good and because the state teams set a type of football that create a bit more work for your Club and other club.FFT didn't set up this U19 comp for the state team this was my decision only to enter the U15 in it. I wil make no futher comments until I know who I am speaking to. If I can sign my name... and why can't you.

Anonymous said...

I'll write to you personally rather than make this a public slanging match.